The Leeds improvement journey has been a long one, and despite our Outstanding rating from Ofsted in autumn 2018, we would not characterise it as complete; there is no complacency in the city about what we have achieved or about what we still need to do to ensure that all children, young people and families in the city are able to benefit from the improvements we have made. However, to achieve an Outstanding judgement only nine years after being judged inadequate is an achievement of which we are justly proud, and it has led to our Partners in Practice work, through which we have offered some level of sector-led improvement support to 83% of local authorities in England, and our participation in the Strengthening Families Protecting Children programme through which we will offer more in-depth support to six local authorities over the coming years.
Leeds committed to a programme of whole-systems change, with a number of key components which all contributed to answering the central question – what is it like to be a child or young person in Leeds, and how can we make it better?
If you would like to find out more about some of the key approaches which contributed to our improvement journey, please go to our Resources Hub and if you would like to see a visual representation of the journey please visit our ‘About Us’ page. A written version is also available from the About Us page.

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d february 2025